
What is benefit of walking?

what is benefit of walking

In a conversation a few days ago, I tried to point out that what is benefit of walking . Of course, I was able to describe the most important thing, but I felt that there are more positive things to report, because I am convinced that

Walking keeps you physically and mentally healthy.

Walking is the easiest way to keep body and soul in balance.

I did some research that What is benefit of walking ? and I want to make up for it in this post.
I’ve been going  on walk for  many years. Regularly three to five times a week with the start of the lockdown. The benefits are noticeable. There is nothing easier to keep yourself physically and mentally healthy than walking. You already notice:

By “walking” I mean moving quickly for about an hour and without hurrying; at a pace that is challenging but still allows me to breathe calmly enough.

While working our answer to question that what is benefit of walking ;  Researchers consider a walking speed of 4.8 km/h to be optimal for long life. If you’re not used to walking that fast, start slower and build up.

Walking is a wonderful way to integrate it into everyday life. You walk instead of taking the tram, you make a big detour to go shopping or to visit a friend. Ideally, your path will lead you through a park.

The difference between walking and hiking is not big. Hiking is synonymous with speed, but you are on the road longer and you move in nature on paths that are mostly not asphalted.
Walking is often equated with going for a walk. For me, walking is slower. Similar to strolling or strolling.

Walking is a shield against disease.

What is benefit of walking with regard to physical aspect ? some of its benefits are :-

• When walking, the heart is challenged but not overstrained. Walking is good for the blood vessels . Susceptibility to high blood pressure decreases.

• The risk of developing type 2 diabetes decreases . It is particularly sustainable to walk after a meal. Studies show that walking after dinner in particular regulates blood sugar.

• Walking increases the volume of your lungs , which means more oxygen gets into your blood and you become more efficient.

• Your muscles are also supplied with more oxygen and build up .

• Brisk walking prevents or reduces back pain. The intervertebral discs are optimally supplied with liquid and nutrients through regular exercise and remain healthy.

• More oxygen in the brain promotes thinking . At the same time, regular exercise prevents Alzheimer’s and prevents early dementia.

• Going out after eating stimulates the metabolism , promotes your digestion and also helps to shed the kilos.

• Walking lengthens your life . Researchers from Sydney observed men over the age of 70 and found that walking at least 3 miles per hour was life-extending.
The mental benefits of walking:

• As a balance in times of stress, walking helps reduce stress and build composure . This will also help you sleep better, faster and deeper.

• Our hippocampus, which is responsible for transferring experiences from short-term to long-term memory, expands. You remember what you have learned better . That’s why it’s important to take breaks and walk around while learning.

• Walking helps generate new ideas and encourages creativity . When you walk, your thoughts move. You leave your “point of view”, are more open to new things and find new perspectives.

• Walking lifts the spirits , another answer to the question , What is benefit of walking ?  If you are upset or depressed, put on comfortable shoes and leave. You will notice that you feel much better afterwards.

• Walking regularly makes you happier in the long run . When you walk, your body releases endorphins, which ensure your long-term well-being.

Uphill, downhill or just flat?

It is clear that we don’t have to exert ourselves as much on level paths. But is it equally healthy as walking uphill or downhill?

Walking on the flat has all the advantages already described above. When walking uphill, the leg muscles are particularly strengthened and the cardiovascular system is better trained. The muscles in the calves, shins and thighs are also required when walking downhill. Researchers have also discovered that blood levels improve (specifically blood sugar) and prolonged downhill walking helps with weight loss.

Walking keeps you healthy.

Above discussed is the benefit of walking ; however ,  you could now argue that many other sports such as cycling or swimming also improve our well-being.
That’s true, but it’s particularly important to me that I can start anytime and anywhere. I am completely flexible in terms of time ………… and it is free . Apart from a pair of comfortable shoes, you don’t need anything to get started right away.

Of course there is still the inner bastard. He keeps asking if walking is necessary – I can convince him by reminding him of the feeling of well-being afterwards, of the balance and serenity that deepens with every walk. So he becomes quieter and quieter, the inner bastard.

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