
How to deal with stress

How to deal with stress

Stress is part of our life. The better we learn how to deal with stress, the easier it will be, and the healthier we will ultimately live. It is said that “Stress is a universal phenomenon, an unavoidable aspect of everyday life, although some individuals experience more frequent, more intense, and more substantial stress than others,”. In this article, I’ll share some strategies that will show you how to ride the stress wave instead of being overwhelmed by it and find more happiness by learning how to deal with stress.

Stress has two faces

Two Faces of Stress

Stress has two faces .. a joyful, exhilarating one that drives you, makes your heart beat faster, pulls you further and gives you wings. And an exhausted face that looks tired and exhausted, looks worried, not very happy and is hardly focused on the matter. Surely you have already experienced both sides.

External and internal stress triggers

Stress has very different causes. Put simply, stress can be triggered by something on the outside, such as your job or job loss, a relationship, a conflict, or something on the inside. These can be inner drivers or beliefs that you unconsciously inherited from your parents, teachers, grandparents, or whoever.

Identify the individual stressors

While learning how to deal with stress; an effective tool to quickly change your own stress experience is to become aware of the individual stressors. Take a piece of paper and write down everything that is stressing you at the moment or what could be the cause of your stress. Don’t stop until you’ve really collected all possible stressors and made them visible on paper. And now that you’ve got it all written down, how does that feel?

Then ask yourself if there is anything you can do to change each stressor in a way that reduces how you feel stressed. Check this for each of your stressors. If you decide you can’t change a situation right now, ask yourself if you can accept it right now.

Finally, make yourself aware that accepting and struggling with a situation that is perceived as stressful will make you ill in the long run! It is therefore crucial that you make a conscious decision. Either by changing the situation or by accepting it.

6 questions for acute stress

If you find yourself in an acute stressful situation – maybe you currently have a lot of things to do at once or you have an important test or decision to make – then before going to work out how to deal with stress,   these 6 questions or impulses can be very helpful:

1. Does it even have to be?
2. Is it urgent, does it have to be immediate?
3. Should it be that thorough?
4. Do I have to do it alone or can I delegate parts?
5. One after the other!
6. I can make mistakes too.

I experience again and again that people burden themselves with things that, on closer inspection, are not really relevant. Or it turns out that they can do some things at a later date. It is often our own high demands on us that require us to go the extra mile, I know that only too well. The Pareto principle helps here: With 20% of the effort we achieve 80% of the targeted result, for the remaining 20% we usually have to invest the greatest effort at 80%. That means learning to focus and then do what is really important with the resources available to you is important want to know how to deal with stress

Create well-being rituals for everyday life

In order to learn how to deal with stress better in the long term, relaxation is an effective tool. You have probably already observed this: When you are balanced and feel good, you perceive a situation completely differently and also act differently, namely more relaxed, calmer, and more joyful. Always treat yourself to little breaks in which you can recharge your batteries.

Some well-being rituals for every day can provide you with valuable support. You can also learn one of the many relaxation techniques, such as autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, and Meditation. Or you just go out into nature and let your soul dangle. Just see what feels right for you. Leave ambition and perfection aside and don’t overwhelm yourself. It’s about finding something for yourself where you can just be yourself and what feels right and good for YOU.

Read More::

Just learn to relax

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