
Fitness for beginners – what you should understand to settle on a training program?

Fitness for beginners

Fitness is one of the most popular types of sports activities in the modern world. But, unlike sports – without the emphasis on bodybuilding – the goal of fitness is not to achieve records but to lead a healthy lifestyle. In the article, we will talk about the effects that can be achieved by doing this or that type of fitness, and what is important to focus while going especially for Fitness for beginners.

Life in the metropolis is now hard to imagine without fitness. Maintaining good physical shape affects success in all areas of life, especially in work and family.

What is “fitness”? 

The word fitness itself comes from the English adjective “fit” – “being in good shape, healthy.” But this concept includes not only physical exercises. Fitness is also a daily routine, including recovery after exercise, rest, and proper nutrition, that is, a completely healthy lifestyle.

A set of fitness exercises and a diet are selected individually – depending on age, health status, contraindications, goals (weight loss, weight gain, etc.), body structure, and features.

Goal setting is an important step in fitness

There could be several fitness goals. so while discussing about Fitness for beginners the first and foremost thing is to set clear goal like :-

  1. weight loss, slim, beautiful figure.
  2. health promotion, improvement of the cardiovascular system, joints,
  3. improvement of general well-being, endurance of the body.
  4. strengthening and increasing muscle mass.

There are two main sorts of physical activity – aerobic and bodybuilding.

Aerobic exercise isn’t only, in fact, aerobics, but also running, cycling, swimming, that is, those sorts of physical activity when the body uses oxygen to release energy, carbohydrates, and fats are burned and provide energy to working muscles. Aerobic exercise has an effective improving effect on health, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, maintains overall physical fitness, and accelerates metabolism.

Anaerobic exercise is the lifting of weights, aimed at increasing the volume and strength of the muscles.

Often, along with aerobic and anaerobic loads, stretching is combined – gymnastics to increase endurance through static loads and stretching of muscles, ligaments, and joints.

Depending on the goals that you simply set for yourself, choose the kinds of fitness that suit you.

Types of fitness 

There are various types of fitness: aerobics, water aerobics, shaping, fitness dancing and just dancing, fitball, gyms, stretching (callanetics, Pilates, body flex, and qigong breathing exercises). Yoga stands apart, it can be either just stretching or a full-fledged aerobic or even anaerobic exercise.

The choice of direction depends on the goal that you want to achieve with the help of fitness.

  1. Classical, dance, and other modifications of aerobics – this type of fitness combines exercises for developing muscles and plastics and breathing exercises. Aerobics strengthens the cardiovascular system, helps to reduce weight, and improves the figure. Very effective in burning calories.
    In aerobics, there are an enormous number of directions. The most popular dance directions are aerobics, dance, afro, Latino, funk et al. .
  1. Water aerobics is a special kind of aerobics. Training takes place not within the gym, but within the pool. Additional load and calorie consumption is achieved thanks to water resistance.
  • Stretching is a muscle stretching exercise that restores flexibility to the body. This type of fitness promotes the breakdown of fat in the subcutaneous layers and gets rid of cellulite, improving blood circulation.
  • Pilates is a workout for the press, muscles of the back, abdomen, and small pelvis, especially recommended for people with poor posture, for recovery from injuries.
  • Callanetics – exercises from oriental gymnastics with elements of breathing exercises. Its basis is stretching exercises.
  • Bodyflex – breathing exercises with simultaneous stretching and muscle tension.
  1. Fitness yoga – exercises are combined with elements of breathing practices, alternating dynamic and static movements. This type of recent fitness is effective in handling stress.
  2. Fitball (gymnastic ball) – exercises are performed on the ball in different positions, creating the so-called muscular corset around the spine. This type of fitness strengthens the press and improves posture. Fitball exercises are often done in reception.
  3. Exercises with weights (what is now often understood by the word “fitness”), the so-called. classic fitness – dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, expanders, etc. As a rule, training takes place in the gym. Helps to strengthen muscles and develop muscles. This includes bodybuilding, CrossFit, powerlifting, and other strength activities aimed at muscle hypertrophy.
  4. Nordic walking is a type of physical activity that uses a specific training methodology and walking technique with the help of specially designed sticks. Recently very fashionable everywhere the planet.


9 Best exercises for women (with own body weight)

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