
Bodyweight workout challenge | Bodyweight workouts for beginners

Bodyweight workout challenge

The Bodyweight workouts for beginners does not need a special training program or fancy equipment. To meet the Bodyweight workout challenge in today’s busy life style,  you   Neither  need to leave the house to do these exercises nor have to setup costly home exercise facility; Just the desire. The Bodyweight workout burn fat and helps you to stay in shape. All that needed is some free space and some low supports like a chair, stand or steps.

Bodyweight exercises  to train at home


The most important general strengthening exercise with your own body weight. Squats will strengthen your thighs and buttocks. Depending on the position of the legs and the depth of the squat, you can emphasize the load on the buttocks, outer or inner thighs.

The recommended setting of the legs is shoulder width or slightly wider. Slowly lower yourself down to the bottom position, keeping your back straight. Don’t lean forward or lift your heels off the floor. As fitness grows, you can connect squats with additional weight (dumbbell, kettlebell, water bottle, ..).


Strengthen your chest, triceps, shoulders, and core muscles. There are many options for push-ups from the floor. However, the recommended option is to have your hands at chest level, slightly wider than your shoulders. For the unprepared, lightweight variations of the exercise are allowed – push-ups from the knees or from the wall.

3-Boat or “Superman”

Next in bodyweight workout challenge is Boat position .  Hyperextension lying on the floor, boat or “Superman”. These are all different names for one very useful strengthening exercise for the back. With this exercise, you can strengthen the back, buttocks, abs, shoulders and muscles of the back of the thigh.

The exercise is performed in the supine position on the floor. Pull your legs back and arms forward. As you exhale, tighten the muscles in your lower back, buttocks, and back of your thighs. At the same time, try to raise your arms and legs off the floor as much as possible. Hold in the superman position for a few seconds.

Then, as you inhale, relax your muscles into the starting position. Rest for a few seconds and repeat the movement. Start with 3 sets of a few seconds. In the future, as fitness improves, gradually increase the number of approaches and the time of holding the “boat for the back” position.

For enhanced study of the muscles of the back, while holding the superman or boat pose, you can imitate pull-ups with your hands, bringing your elbows to the body. .

4-Forward bends on one leg

This is the homemade version of the straight leg deadlift. In addition, single leg bends engage many stabilizer muscles and develop balance.

The technique of performing slopes on one leg is quite simple. Stand up straight with your feet together. Keeping a natural arch in your lower back, tilt your body and stretch your arms forward in front of you while breathing in. At the same time, take your non-supporting legs back.

Hold for a second in this position. Then, keeping your balance, slowly return to the starting position while exhaling. Repeat the movement with the other leg.

5-Reverse push-ups

Reverse push-ups can be performed not only from a bench, but also from a sofa, bed, stool, etc. This exercise is designed primarily to strengthen the triceps brachii (triceps). Also, during the reverse push-ups, the pectoral muscles and the anterior deltoid bundles work.

6-Glute Bridge

A favorite exercise of girls for elastic buttocks. However, the glute bridge will also benefit men. It helps not only to strengthen the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh, but also to improve blood circulation in the pelvis.

The glute bridge technique is very simple. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor slightly wider than your shoulders. As you exhale, resting your entire foot on the floor, lift your pelvis as high as possible, reducing your buttocks.

Hold at the top for 1-2 seconds. Then, while inhaling, return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

7-Lunges in place

Also known as scissor squats. They work out the muscles of the hips and buttocks. You can lunge forward or backward. It is possible on the spot. As you prefer.

8-Plank exercise

This is a static exercise that is performed on the floor, or other flat horizontal surface, with an emphasis on straightened arms or elbows. Effectively strengthens the core muscles and develops overall endurance.

To perform the plank exercise, take the position of the emphasis lying on straightened arms or on your elbows. The muscles of the press and the back of the thighs are tense and hold the whole body in one straight line. The plank is held for as long as you can support your body weight without lowering your knees and pelvis to the floor.

Bodyweight workouts for beginners routine

Workout A

  1. Squats 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps
  2. Push-ups from the floor 3-4 x 15-20
  3. Glute bridge 3 x 12-15
  4. Plank (hold maximum time)

Workout B

  1. Lunges in place 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps per leg
  2. Reverse push-ups 3-4 x 12-15
  3. Forward bends on one leg 3 x 10-12 on each leg
  4. Boat for the back 3 sets of 5-8 seconds.
  5. Twisting 3 sets to the maximum.

Bodyweight workout challenge Explained

The Bodyweight workouts for beginners is designed for 6-8 weeks. If desired, you can continue the program, diversifying it with new or additional exercises.

The specified number of repetitions and approaches is not a dogma. You can independently set how many sets and repetitions to do . Rest time between sets is approximately 60-90 seconds.

You can train according to this program from 2 to 4 times a week, depending on fitness and employment. For example, for unprepared beginners, two workouts per week will be enough. Alternatively, do Workout A on Tuesday and Workout B on Friday.

Then, if necessary, increase the number of workouts per week to 3. For example, on Monday, workout A, and Wednesday, workout B, and on Friday, workout A again. The next week will start with workout B, A, and again B.

For trained men and girls, training 4 times a week is suitable. For example, Monday workout A, Tuesday B. Wednesday rest. Thursday A, Friday B. Saturday and Sunday – rest

FAQs about Bodyweight workout challenge

Q: Can you get ripped with only bodyweight exercises?

Ans: Yes,  you should follow  these principles to n build muscle ,  increase reps, reduce the times of rest, go for variations, increase time  during  tension.

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