
Beach body workout routine |12 best exercises for the bikini figure

Beach body workout routine

It doesn’t matter whether it’s summer or winter; If you automatically pull in your stomach when you think of bikinis or swimming, you should resort to a beach body workout routine to say goodbye to your excess pounds. With a little discipline and these effective bikini figure exercises, you can declare war on fast food and chocolate sins in just a few weeks. It doesn’t matter whether your pants pinch, your arms wobble or your hips stick out from under your sweater – we have below set of exercises for the bikini figure which you may get by following this beach body workout routine.

1. Sit ups

Sit ups


Sit on the floor. Keep your back straight, raise your heels. Bend your arms and place your hands loosely behind your ears. Now tense your stomach and slowly lean back as far as possible with a straight back. Keep your hands relaxed, don’t hold your head with them. All the strength has to come from your stomach. Now slowly bend forward again. Repeat exercise 20 times.

2. Beetle



Lay on your back. Extend your arms back and up. Now bend your left leg and pull it toward your body. Extend your right leg up as far as possible. Now slowly move your right leg up and down 20 times. Put your legs down for a moment, then lift your left leg. this is going to be a good segment of your bikini body workout plan to give desired results quickly.

3. Bridge




Sit on the floor in front of a staircase or stepper. Put your hands behind your back on the stairs. The fingers point in the direction of the bottom. Tighten your stomach and lift your pelvis as high as possible. Lift your heels. Hold the position briefly, then lay down again. Repeat the exercise ten times.

4. Ball Push


Ball push


Get on all fours. Now place your legs on an exercise ball at ankle height. Alternatively, a chair is also possible. The hands are under the shoulders. Now bend your arms and slowly lower your body as you would with normal push-ups. Keep your whole body tense. Repeat the exercise 15 times.

5. dumbbell lift


dumbbell lift


Stand up straight. Take a dumbbell (1 kg) in each hand . Alternatively, you can use two water bottles. Bend your arms so the dumbbells are in front of your chest. Now slowly stretch your arms towards the ceiling. Hold briefly, then lower your arms back down to chest height. Repeat the exercise 30 times.

6. Boxing



It not only beats frustration but also chases away the pounds: put your feet wide apart and parallel, and bend your knees slightly. Bend your arms, and clench your hands into fists at chin height. Keep elbows close to the body. Now punch the air straight ahead with your right fist. Then box with your left arm, 20 times per side.

7. Sprinter




Stand up straight Take a big lunge forward with your left leg. Lift your right heel and bend your left leg until your thigh is parallel to the floor. The right knee hovers just above the floor. Lean your torso forward and place your hands on the floor to the left and right of your left foot. Now release your right foot from the floor, pull it under your body and briefly tap the floor with the tip of your foot. Bring your foot back to the starting position and repeat 10 times. Then switch sides.

8. Concentrated Power

Concentrated power

Lie on your back with your arms resting by your side. Now place your heels on a fitness ball (alternatively also a chair). Keep your back straight and tighten your glutes. Now stretch your right leg straight up as far as possible, with your toes pointing toward the sky. Hold the position briefly, then switch sides. Ten repetitions per side.

9. Lifting Platform


lifting platform

Kneel on the floor. Now lean your upper body forward and place your elbows on the floor. Clasp your hands. Keep your back straight, your head in line with your spine. Place your feet so that only your toes are touching the floor. Now lift your left leg up so that your thigh is parallel to the floor. Keep your leg bent. Hold the position for about five seconds, then lower the leg and raise the right leg. Ten repetitions per side.

10. Stair Jump

Stair Jump


Stand in front of a step, if possible at the bottom of a staircase. Now put your right foot on the first step. Bend your arms. Bring your left arm forward and your right arm backward. Change both the position of the legs and the arms in one jump. Now the left foot is on the stairs and the right arm is in front. Do the stair jump alternately 40 times.

11. Side Lift


Lie on the right side of your body and prop up your right elbow. Support your left hand on your hip. Extend your legs over each other. Now lift your body off the floor so that only your right foot and right elbow are resting on it. Lift your left leg up as far as possible, then put it down again briefly. Repeat 20 times, then switch sides.

12. Balance

Working towards a  bikini body workout plan, balance exercise is also of great importance.    Stand a large step away in front of an exercise ball or chair. Lift your right leg backward and place your foot on the ball. Put your hands on your hips. Now bend your left leg deeply and push your butt back. Slowly straighten your standing leg again while pressing your right foot into the ball. Repeat 15 times, then switch sides.

FAQs about beach body workout routine

Q:Is Beachbody a good workout?

Ans: Beach body workout routine or bikini body workout plan excels in helping self-motivated people to get fit. Beachbody might not be a good social fitness program, but it’s focused while having good value — it particularly is good for those who want to lose weight and tone muscles side by side.

Q:Is Beachbody good for beginners?

Of course, beach body workouts also include a set of exercises that are useful for beginners who want to start a fitness journey but don’t know where to start.

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