
5 Rules for a healthy life style

5-Rules for a healthy life style

What is a healthy lifestyle? What are the benefits of it? Motivation, proper nutrition, physical activity, daily routine and the rejection of bad habits are the main rules for a healthy life style.

Many people know that a healthy lifestyle is good and healthy. But not everyone can switch to a healthy lifestyle, as it is not easy. It is important to remember that the essence of such a lifestyle is not in strict adherence to the rules, but in good health, beauty, energy and cheerfulness every day.

Here are the principles that will allow you to smoothly transition to a healthy lifestyle:

1. Motivation.
2. Proper nutrition.
3. Physical activity.
4. Rational daily routine.
5. Rejection of bad habits.
Let’s consider each of the points in detail.

Rule 1: Motivation

A healthy lifestyle can become your habit, and then it will not be difficult to follow the rules. A habit is usually formed within 21 days. But not everyone has enough motivation to follow the established regime every day, do exercises and so on. To avoid burnout, you need to acquire a clear motivation for what you need it for.
Stimulus can be created in this way:
• tell about your plans to close people who will support you;
• take a full-length photo, so that later you can take another photo – with your slender figure;
• buy a beautiful dress or jeans one size smaller to wear them for a particular holiday;
• keep a diary where you will record your successes – self-control in this matter is necessary.

Rule 2: Proper nutrition

If you review your diet, throw out harmful foods from it that can provoke oncology, diabetes, obesity, you will be one step closer to your dream. It is not necessary from the first day of your decision to switch to a healthy lifestyle to stop using everything that you like. Change your diet gradually. Here are the basic rules to follow:
• try to exclude the most harmful products – sugar, pastries, soda;
• write down your favorite foods that correspond to a healthy diet – focus on them;
• reduce the usual serving by 1/3;
• as a snack, use not sweets, but fruits, vegetables, dried fruits.
Do not immediately exhaust yourself with a strict diet. It will be enough to exclude clearly harmful foods, slightly reduce portions and start eating more often – not 2-3 times a day, but, for example, 4-5 times.

Rule 3: Physical activity

Think in advance what kind of sport you would like to do. Let physical activity bring you pleasure. It can be swimming or cycling, rollerblading. Go in for sports games – basketball, football, volleyball, tennis. Buy sticks for Nordic walking. The main thing is that sport does not turn into a heavy routine or duty that you must perform.
How not to quit sports:
• the place for classes should be as comfortable and pleasant as possible for you;
• turn on your favorite music – it will encourage you to take action and delight you along with the exercises;
• buy yourself a beautiful tracksuit or swimsuit – treat yourself;
• find like-minded people with whom you will train together – this is good motivation and mutual assistance.

Rule 4: Rational daily routine

In order for you to feel active all day long, you need to fully relax. And for this you need to establish a daily routine that will help your body adapt to changes.
Here are the main factors to follow:

1. Regular sleep

An adult should sleep at least 7 hours a day. Make sure you go to bed on time. The bed should be comfortable, and no extraneous noise should penetrate into the bedroom.

2. Alternating work with rest

During the day, the body must also receive a sufficient portion of rest so as not to become exhausted.

3. Eating at the same time

You need to eat about 5 times a day in small portions so that the body gets used to this regimen and does not put off fat reserves.

Rule 5: Rejection of bad habits

A healthy lifestyle and bad habits in the form of smoking or drinking alcohol cannot be combined in any way. Therefore, you will need to gradually reduce the amount of tobacco and alcoholic beverages you use. Ideally, an athletic, healthy person with a beautiful toned body should completely abandon bad habits. You can seek help from a specialist or ask loved ones to support you in this

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